Supporting Your Journey to Balance, Clarity & Well-Being
Ignite Your Spirit (IYS) is a deep and profound modality of energy healing that supports you on your journey of awakening. It also supports your transition from pain to peace, from stuckness to inspiration, from confusion and mental fog to clarity, from feeling depressed to experiencing hope and joy. As a spiritual practice it takes us from emptiness to love, from chaos to harmony, from fatigue to vitality, from anxiety to calm, from scarcity to abundance, from separateness to connection and gives both practitioners and clients a whole new sense of confidence, better health and inner freedom.
What Happens?
IYS is a no touch biofield therapy that goes deep to help us release all that has been holding us back on our journey to peace and fulfilment. Clients may experience large energy shifts and many experience bliss and clarity.
Clients sit in a chair fully clothed and the healer will ‘read’ the energy using their extensive training. They will then work with you to release blockages using call and response affirmations and breathing techniques as well as cleansing the various parts of the subtle bodies.
IYS Energy Healing Can Help With:
- Chronic pain (e.g., back pain, joint pain, headaches)
- Fatigue and low energy
- Digestive issues
- Immune system support
- Hormonal imbalances
- Skin conditions
- Menopause symptoms
- Chronic pain (e.g., back pain, joint pain, headaches)
- Fatigue and low energy
- Digestive issues
- Immune system support
- Hormonal imbalances
- Skin conditions
- Menopause symptoms
- Anxiety and stress relief
- Depression support
- Grief and loss
- Trauma release
- Emotional balance and stability
- Relationship healing
- Anxiety and stress relief
- Depression support
- Grief and loss
- Trauma release
- Emotional balance and stability
- Relationship healing
- Clarity and focus
- Releasing limiting beliefs
- Confidence and self-worth issues
- Overcoming fears and phobias
- Manifestation and goal alignment
- Clarity and focus
- Releasing limiting beliefs
- Confidence and self-worth issues
- Overcoming fears and phobias
- Manifestation and goal alignment
- Chakra cleansing and activation
- Clearing past life imprints
- Strengthening intuition and connection to guides
- Deepening meditation and spiritual awareness
- Energy protection and shielding
- Chakra cleansing and activation
- Clearing past life imprints
- Strengthening intuition and connection to guides
- Deepening meditation and spiritual awareness
- Energy protection and shielding
- Support for pets with trauma, anxiety, or illness
- Strengthening the bond between animal and guardian
- Energy balancing for animals recovering from surgery or injury
- Support for pets with trauma, anxiety, or illness
- Strengthening the bond between animal and guardian
- Energy balancing for animals recovering from surgery or injury
Since IYS works on the energy body, it can complement conventional treatments but should not replace medical or psychological care when needed. It enhances overall well-being and often brings deep insights into the root cause of an issue.
Evidence for Energy Healing
- From September 2011 to June 2014 Project Hope was offered to examine the effects of Ignite Your Spirit Therapy, on sufferers of depression.
- 120 participants started and 76 participants completed the program.
- Each participant received 8 individual sessions.
- Each participant had a confirmed, independent diagnosis of depression from a psychologist or GP prior to commencing the program.
- As a measure, participants agreed to complete three DASS forms (the Depression Anxiety and Stress scale) at weeks 1, 6 and 12.
Project Hope
Project Hope was aimed at offering assistance to those with depression, yet we found some exciting results with stress and anxiety as well.

Study on people suffering from depression
- In 2008 we did a study of an 8 week mentoring program utilising the tools of IYS sessions.
- We worked with 27 severely depressed people and 20 completed which is a high retention rate.
- They attended one morning a week for a group IYS session.
- They had one individual session of IYS.
- All were stable on their medications for at least six months before the study, all were severely depressed and some were also anxious and agoraphobic.
Depression Pilot Study 2008
- The mean level of depression at the commencement of the study, on the DASS Scale was 27.1, - severe to extremely severe depression.
- By follow up this had significantly reduced to 10.5 - mild depression, (below 10 on this scale is normal).

IYS Meditation in Children’s Hospital Melbourne
One of our practitioners offered weekly IYS Meditation to staff and patients at the Children’s Hospital in Melbourne for approximately 3 months, and survey responses from participants as to its benefits.

Benefits of Self Compassion
A meta analysis of 47 studies of meditation undertaken by Johns Hopkins University, showed that it lessens depression, anxiety and pain equal to medication, but without side effects. (Goleman and Davidson, The Science of Meditation, 2017 ISBN: 9780241975688). Studies in meditation and mindfulness based meditation therapies has gone from nil in 1990 to around 11,000 per year by 2016 (ibid). Goleman and Davidson, scientists working in the field of meditation research, also say it is advantageous to have a teacher in order to optimise the benefits of meditation.
Self-compassion, a mindfulness based program that has been well researched, is part of our Lift session suite of techniques. Studies show that it creates a substantial positive change in a number of indicia of good health and wellbeing.
Energy Healing
We also include energy healing where appropriate. The evidentiary basis includes two meta analyses of non contact healing studies[1]. Of these studies one related to human and one to cells, plants and animals. 49 non-whole human studies from 34 papers and 57 whole human studies across 56 papers were included. The evidence from both suggested that subjects in the active condition exhibited a significant improvement in wellbeing relative to control subjects under circumstances that do not seem to be susceptible to placebo and expectancy effects.[1] By Roe, CA Sonnex, C and Roxburgh, EC published in Explore journal Volume 11, Issue 1, January–February 2015, Pages 11-23.
Our Point of Difference
We combine all of these robust approaches to wellbeing to ensure that our clients receive exactly what they need to overcome burnout, overwhelm, depression and pain. It is our joy to see the vibrancy and resilience returning to people who have been wrung out and feeling exhausted.